Friday, May 27, 2011


Not quite Idgie Threadgood, but learning. Who da thunk you could fall in love with a bug? But I have. These are the gentlest of creatures, and I do feel very relaxed and at peace around them.

Here I am checking on the hive for the first time

Is my bee shirt on inside out? Yes. I was so excited about getting out there that I wasn't even paying attention

I want to thank my husband for standing by. Even though you can't see him, he was giving me words of encouragement. And thanks to my daughter for taking the photos, especially because she's not crazy about bees

Good girls


  1. beautiful and fun. I am so excited for you!!

  2. I'm excited too. You'll have to tell us how it works out. Have the neighbors given you dirty looks? Ours would. :D

  3. I can't wait until you can show us the honey they give you!

  4. Charming. . . and I'd still say BRAVE! Glad you're enjoying the adventure:)

  5. This is so interesting and I would love to try your honey out sometime. Funny about the shirt, you were excited weren't you!!

  6. I hope you don't mind, but I am living vicariously through you. Oh, how I long to be a beekeeper.

  7. Just started following you. Love this idea! Have been thinking about this idea for some time. Also love how you say, "I am an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ!"

    Have a great day, my sister!

  8. Morisot, I don't mind, but you should go for
    it :) If I can do it, you can, too. Really!

    Christine, yes I was excited! And if you ever visit, I'll certainly share the goodness.

    Jen, back atcha :)

  9. I don't think of bees as bugs! They are of course, but somehow, they are special and different.

  10. i just love you. i'm sure the bees feel the same way :)

  11. Your new venture is quite wonderful. Bees seem rather mythological to a class of their own. Must be all those novels I have read! When will you be able to harvest the honey?

  12. That is just so neat! Love those little honey bees! You too....hehehe.

  13. I am so excited for you! I've always wanted to have a mini-farm and raise bees and chickens for eggs. Will there be honey soon?

  14. I'm so pleased for you. I keep on having to put off my bee keeping course, so I hope you are going to share lots of your beekeeping adventures.

  15. Hoping the honey will flow at the end of summer. Stay tuned.

  16. So cool! I'm very proud of how well your hive is going :)

  17. You look like quite the bee charmer! I'm sure you'd give Idgie a run for her money. Additionally, you don't barbecue your brothers-in-law, which is a plus in my book. ;-)

    One of these days, I hope I get to see your hive. It looks awesome!!!


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