Monday, June 20, 2011

And the livin' is easy

"Tell you what I like the best --
'Long about knee-deep in June,
'Bout the time strawberries melt
On the vine, --some afternoon
Like to jes' get out and rest,
And not work at nothin' else!"

James Whitcomb Riley

Counting blessings

402 - a pleasant way to spend the afternoon

403 - remains

404 - hayrides

405 - the scent of honeysuckle in the night air

406 - pewter plates

407 - just washed

408 - chocolate chips under glass

409 - summer reading

Joining Ann today


  1. This looks like my weekend - strawberries, ruins, honeysuckle and choc chip cookies in the oven, instead of under glass. I just know you had a good weekend! I did.

  2. #405. Isn't everything better in the summer night air?

  3. oh., tell me about this scallop quilt. its story looks great. x

  4. IS THAT A NEW PENDERWICKS? oh my gosh, we LOVE those books!!!

    and what is in those pewter plates? dessert? dessert-to-be?

    and those stone ruins - sigh...

  5. Hey! A new Penderwicks! I'm going to add that to my fun summer reading.

    I LOVE those remains. It looks so magical.

  6. I'm listening to the Penderwicks with my girls as we ride about town. Just became aware of them. Maybe I live under a rock. Wish I lived near you. . . I need to wash some quilts. Fear keeps them dirty. Tutorial? :) Those pewter bowls probably do a good job keeping the ice cream cold--yum. Looks like a good week.

  7. Beautiful quilts and I can almost smell that honeysuckle, Jodi!

  8. angelina, I wish I knew the story, too. It's beautiful, isn't it? Even in its tattered state. I found it years ago, at an estate sale, and paid next to nothing. Same with the other quilt.

  9. Leslie and Emily, yes! The new Penderwicks! My youngest and I have a tradition of taking turns reading it to each other. Jeanne Birdsall is supposed to have two more books in the series, too. It's a shame that they only come out every three years.

  10. Amy, wouldn't it be nice if all of us bloggers lived near each other? Years ago, an Amish woman I know told me to wash the quilts in cold water, using Cheer detergent because it was color-safe. I only wash them once a year if that, using the hand-wash cycle. Line dry. Btw, the Penderwicks are awesome.

  11. It was so nice to see such a visual post of all the blessings of your week. I miss the smell of honeysuckle, but it was sweet to have the sight. God bless you! :-)

  12. I've never heard of the Penderwicks, but I've requested them from the library now!

    The hayride looks like so much fun and the quilts are beautiful.

  13. Thank you, thank you, thank you on the quilt info:)

  14. ok so now I'm hungry. Also the word "remains" has always reminded me of carnage, but the photo is lovely and it spun my concept of "remains" a complete 180 degrees. You have that ability you know.
    Sigh. I love it.

  15. cool photos Jodi! :) those strawberries look good too

  16. has it really been three years since the last penderwicks? i find that hard to believe, yet somehow easy to believe. sigh...


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