Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In high feather

Been collecting them for years -

Someday I might make something artsy with them. Not sure yet.

But for now I just stare in wonder at their sheen, color, form, and sometimes intricate patterns.

I hear them say--no, shout--GOD IS.

God, a magnificent, caring, personal Creator.

A posy to consider: that He would so grandly dress something so inconsequential

Does it sound fanciful that every time I find a feather on one of my nature rambles, it makes me giddy?

Because to me, it's a love token that He's trained my eyes to find. And I snatch it up with delight!


  1. this is beautiful. so are you. thank you for all the ways you always remind me of His love.

  2. All so true,,,,it is amazing the details in the feathers - The Creator is a fantastic artist.

    I fancy that giddy part, shh a secret I have a collection of assorted feathers and a couple of birds nest -- one that landed on my head in a fall wind storm. No harm to my head or the empty nest.

    Great photo's Jodi,

  3. Yes! It makes you sound very fanciful--in the very best way. What would Marilla say about you having all those feathers inside the house, do you think? Makes me giddy just thinking about that!

  4. What a gift of trained eyes. Your giddiness makes me smile:) I remember my cousin, he's three years older than I am, giving me a feather from his cap when he was in a play in the sixth grade. It's still in my keepsake box. And that thing's a fake! I need to keep my eyes open. When I find a beauty I'll smile and think of you.

  5. jodi,
    you are a found treasure.

  6. Oh, I just love you to pieces, Jodi! And your feather posy is thing of beauty and a joy forever. :-) Thank you for helping train our eyes as you gather God-evidencing tokens along the way.

  7. what a lovely collection jodi...such beautiful colors in these feathers...
    our mama birds eggs hatched a few days ago, i have gotten so attached to this family, i will miss them when they fly away... :(
    you are such a joy...

  8. Oh to have a pair of sturdy wings that could catch a benevolent wind and lift me high enough to see the view of angels! Beautiful collection Jodi...

  9. I love that you collect these, and I love the cardinal feathers you gave me.
    I have a lot of memories and opinions stored up in feathers. When I was a child, I liked to pick up feathers and bird eggs, but some people think that collecting such things will cause one to catch a "disease". The disease remains to be named or described (this was well before "bird flu" which I regard as a conspiracy illness anyway). I have to say, to date, I have learned of far more people getting diseases from other humans than from birds or animals - suburban housewife myths disregarded of course.
    Another memory is of when I was raising geese and they grew feathers. They loved to stretch and flap their wings and I loved the crisp, rustling of their feathers in the air. The sound always brought to mind the lines of the hymn: "I can hear the brush of angels' wings, I see glory on each face, I can feel the mighty power of this place."
    I need more geese. Zac always lets the Little Miss pick up and play with feathers and eggs if she pleases, that makes me happy. She's becoming quite the botanist too!

  10. You're right -- feathers are a sure sign of a loving Creator!

  11. My youngest son would have loved for me to have read this before I emptied a huge vase full of dusty feathers into the garbage. Some of them were from his 10 1/2 years older brother! Yikes.

  12. Thank you Jodi for the lovely thought of "love tokens my eye is trained to see."-beautiful.


  13. Thanks for such a lovely post--what gifts we have been showered with by our Creator.

  14. Beautiful feathers! Anyone who looks closely at a feather can see what a miracle of engineering they are! And coloring too, for many of them. Lucky birds that get to wear them!

  15. I have kept pretty feathers, too, but yours are astonishing in color and pattern. So beautiful.

  16. I love how diverse art is...how so many different gifts of beauty speak different things to different people. I wonder where these lovelies might end up?

  17. What beauty! I love jay feathers. I always get excited when I find one :)
    My little girls tell me that the white downy feathers they find fell from the angels wings :)
    There is something magical about feathers.
    And yes, they help me to see the personality of the creator who made them.
    This is such a beautiful reflection.

  18. beautiful jodes, i agree truly. and if he will feed and look after the sparrow, will he not do also for you and i ? my favorite feather is a lyrebird : we were lucky enough to spot one in a nature park once. he left me a present even. x

  19. I'd say you've already done something artsy with them--because you're an artist, and just collecting them, admiring them, and displaying them is, well, artsy! I think my Artist Son would be very inspired by a visit to your home.

  20. I know you will have plenty of ideas how to use your feathers, but I just had to share this link as it is the first time I've seen anything like it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/natureuk/2011/06/unsprung-guest-kate-mccgwire.shtml. Amazing!

  21. Beautiful feathers and beautiful words.

  22. So beautiful! I would love to have a feather-collection . . . I only have a few, but they are such intriquite pieces of natural art! His art.
    Sometimes I tuck them in my hair.:)

  23. Love this post. I agree with what you said about feathers. I love love feathers and birds; they are so astounding the beautiful. A lot of the articles I am proofing are about NZ native birds. It's overwhelming how many amazing birds there are. What an imaginative Creator!

  24. Wow...love your perspective....and how you describe these special tokens. Truly very sweet :)

  25. "that He would so grandly dress something so inconsequential" - I love that. And I love that He gave you the gift of finding those tiny treasures and sharing them with others. Acorn caps and feathers and sea-shells always fascinate me too!

  26. i must have missed this one since I was having a baby...but those feathers are wonderful. Beautiful witnesses aren't they?


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