Sunday, January 22, 2012

Grateful for the Deeper Magic

"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis

Counting blessings

480 - being old enough for fairy tales

481 - a piano in the house

482 - Grandpa, tea, and cheese and crackers

483 - an invitation

484 - see you there

Joining Ann today


  1. oohhhhh! can i be lucy? we had a lampost just like that in our front yard when i was a kid too.

  2. Yes, Vicki you can be Lucy. :)

  3. Love the photos. Such a great post. I never knew you read fairytales in hiding :P

  4. C.S. Lewis - gotta love him! That is a great quote. I wonder when the next Narnia movie is coming out?

    I'm grateful for a piano in the house too, and my Musician who plays it beautifully. I can't play a note myself.

  5. i love it. love. it. the pictures, the quote, the world of fairy tales. you make me happy.

  6. Fariy tales and magic. That sounds like my kind of time! Along with the fireside time. Really enjoying re reading the children's books and discovering new ones. Harks back to story telling and do we really grow out of that?

  7. Oh that fire looks inviting. I love fairy tales too. I will accept an invitation to tea and a story please.

  8. I love that quote. One of the benefits of homeschooling is being able to read aloud all my favorite books (fairy tales) and enjoying them just as much or more than my kids.

    I have something on my list this week that pertains to Narnia, too...

  9. The Swede and I built a house when our daughter was four, and just before we brought our son home. Having just built a house, we had no money left for furniture. We did, however, buy a piano. A house just doesn't feel like a home without a piano.

    See you in Narnia. Let's have fun chasing Marsh Wiggles!

  10. I need to play my piano more!
    Can you tell me the title of the music book in your photograph, and the author, please?

    Narnia magic! Fairy Tales! I'm just reading The Hobbit to my grandson from the book I read to for my nearly 30 year old son when he was eight.

  11. A piano is such a gift - we are praying for one for our home if that is God's will.

  12. That is a lovely quotation Jodi :0)

  13. i accept your invitation :)

    (and what a lovely set of narnia books!)

  14. Janie, any time!

    Sara, I can't play a note either.:)

  15. Southern Gal, I totally agree. That's one of the benefits of homeschooling. Looking forward to your bit of Narnia.

  16. Nancy, yes, let's! And the White Stag.

  17. Kristi, it's my daughter's book. The piece is called "Looking Glass River" from Piano Adventures, level 3A.

  18. PandJLiving, I hope you do get your piano. :)

    Leslie, audio books from the library. I'm on a being-read-to kick.

  19. Val, I agree. I pretty much enjoy all his quotes.

  20. I am love with magical days,nights,
    books and your blog.
    .Smiles, Dottie

  21. I read this essay of his just recently... I love that quote. And totally agree with it. And generally everything he has to say about "fairy tales". Sometimes a "fairy tale" is the only kind of story that can tell what is to be told.

  22. Hana, and what needs to be told. :)

  23. Love the picture of your Narnia set of books. No other literature outside of the Bible has made me so sure of my salvation as the last book in the Narnia series. Great fantasy books that point to the true reality!

  24. Rachel, I don't know if you'll read this, but anyway, I'm having trouble opening your blog comments to talk to you. This includes Amy D. and Val, and a couple others. You might want to check with Blogger to see what the problem may be. Just so you know I'm not ignoring you. :P

  25. oh, what a great list of thanks!!!! i also accept.

    and thanks as always for your comments over at my place. God is so good and so big--he is the truest kind of fairy tale, perhaps?

  26. For those that want a piano, go to the piano stores and ask if they have any trade ins they want to give away. I have read that they get overloaded and just want to get rid of them at times. Don't be afraid to leave your name and number.


  27. For those that want a piano, go to the piano stores and ask if they have any trade ins they want to give away. I have read that they get overloaded and just want to get rid of them at times. Don't be afraid to leave your name and number.


  28. #480 - Oh, yes... definitely. :o) Love the list, and love those books too.

  29. I love this fairy tales, love CS Lewis, love to listen to the piano and I love snowy nights....It looks like we are on the same page, girlfriend.....

  30. Wow!I really like the picture of the dish towel peeking out of the "wardrobe" and also the lampost. and,about the quote,I would never be ashamed to read fairytales at ten...well, I AM ten,and I read fairytales alot.My mom had a stash of books for me to read on one of our book shelves, and I looked on the shelf one day.I found a big red book that had the tittle in big letters
    ANDERSON AND GRIMM.I took it down and discovered that it was a collection of alot of their stories.Soon I was in a swarm of goblins,fairies,witches,trolls,
    kings and queens.It took me a very long time to read. It was amazing, and I read it every day.I still hope to read more!
    Love, Audrey<3

  31. Audrey, it looks like a dish towel, doesn't it? It's a shawl, because C.S. Lewis says only silly children would shut themselves in a wardrobe. So the shawl keeps it from shutting all the way ;)

  32. You make me smile:) Pure delight. I'd like to come have tea by the fireplace, hear the music, and spy the wardrobe. Honest, I think I'm old enough for fairy tales.

  33. so thankful for your sharing. it's always a delight & today the magic is contagious! thank you (:

  34. fairy tales are the things that make sense in this world, and they give you new eyes. Pianos in the house are amazing, you've reminded me that I need to call a piano mover.

  35. Love that quote. (But I have to admit, when I first started reading this post I thought it was you talking...up until the part when you became a man...doh!)

  36. Kelly, uh...yeah. I've often been mistaken for Jack ha ha

  37. Just catching up with your blog.Thank you for the one entitled Pleased.It made me think and smile.I too am a fairy tale reader.I get them out for the Grandbabies but end up reading them in bed myself.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. i almost got goosebumps when i saw that lamppost ending. we will see you there :)

  40. Im also reading one thousand gifts, very inspirational,
    Aqeela xx

  41. What a nice post, full of such "homey" blessings, Jodi! I especially like the "Grandpa, tea, and cheese and crackers" look just how I would imagine Mr. Tumnus' home to look :)


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