I learned something in church this morning that really blessed me. So besides counting it, I wanted to share it. Genesis 1:31 says, "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good." The Hebrew translation for the word "good" used here is the word "tob". Tob doesn't just mean good, it means gooder than good. It means VERY good, choice, charming, pure, worthy, pleasing, desirable.
So, this means when God looks at you and me, He says, "tob". Amazing. Humbling. He said it even though He knew the end from the beginning, and everything in between!!
Today I'm challenged to live it, to see that blessing, that proclamation, that godly likeness in myself--and live accordingly. To see it in the face of my neighbor and love accordingly. What would the world look like if we really believed it?
Joining Ann today