I was backing out of a parking space in a very small lot at a local market, when I noticed a distinguished looking elderly man waiting beside my car to get to his. For some reason, he was morally outraged that he had to wait for a minute because I was backing out. He proceeded to drop the f-bomb on me eight times (yes, I counted). I was completely shocked - stopped in mid-reverse, and stared at him with an expression that said, "Seriously?!?" He kept at it. I pushed the button to lower my power window, made a peace sign with my hand, and said, "Peace, my brother". His head jerked back, as if I had taken my two peace-signing fingers and poked him in the eyes. He was the one looking stunned now. Total credit for my response belongs to the Holy Spirit, since it is not in my nature to respond kindly to verbal assault.
Anyway, this amusing little episode got me to thinking about the power of words, and why I like blogging. Most times, not always, but most times, people say kind things to one another in the comment sections in Bloglandia. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I peruse old posts and reread the nice things people have shared, It's encouraging and healing. I hope to give back the same when I read your posts or emails or letters.
And speaking of letters, I found on Pinterest a cool way to keep the snail mail I've received over the years from family, friends, and fellow bloggers (who have become friends). I'm a lazy letter-writer, but I do cherish the ones that have been sent my way. This little project helps me to keep these treasures safe.
To make one, you'll need a small ring binder and a hole punch. I carefully punch holes in the cards and letters where the writing wouldn't be damaged, and decorated the front cover with some old stamps from around the world. Some of you may recognize cards and letters that you have sent. If not, please know that they are in there and part of the collection. In fact, I am starting a second binder :)
The good Word says: "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". Thank you for sharing yours with me. It's done my heart good.