I've had Narnia on the brain lately. Maybe because last year at this time, I was there. Let's take a quick jump down repost lane...through the wardrobe, of course.

The year the movie Prince Caspian was released was a particularly exhausting time for my husband and I. Both of us were worn to a frazzle, so one day we sought a few hours of respite at the movie theatre. There is a wonderful scene in the film where the Pevensie children are suddenly transported from a dark and dreary underground train station back to the land of light-filled Narnia.

That scene just tore at my heart. It was so gorgeous, so breathtakingly beautiful. I remember tears welling up in my eyes, and silently thinking, "Lord, I wish I could run on that beach".

At the time, I had no idea that this scene had been filmed at Cathedral Cove in New Zealand. Nor did I have any idea that two years later, God was going to answer that secret desire of my heart. Our Father - He's like that. O people, His lovingkindness
is better than life!

Being there

Being there

Being there
Now for some party business...

Being of the hobbity sort, I enjoy giving presents on my blog birthday. If you were visiting
this little space around this time last year, you'll know what I mean. Next Friday, July 15th, Curious Acorn will be two years old. Save the date, and check in for the details of this year's giveaway.
Mmmmmm...lovely! So glad you got to see it. To smell it. To live it. In person!
God is so good!
I loved this post the first time, and these words have stuck with me since then: "Our Father - He's like that." Yes. Yes He is.
beautiful! how super exciting for you. my sister is in new zealand right now, i'll have to ask her if she went there. can't wait for your bloggy birthday... and it's the same day as my daughter's ninth birthday!
ooh, and i'm here at the same time as nancy. yay! that's like we are almost all together...
quick,Amy call JoAnn!
This is encouraging, I enjoyed it the first time but this time in reading it reminded me of Psalms 81:10
I the Lord am your God who brought you up from the land of Egypt open your mouth wide and I will fill it.
The Tehillim version is my favorite
Psalm 81:11
I am the Lord your God who brought you up from the land of Egypt; open wide your mouth, [state all your desires,] and I shall grant them.
How wonderful! Our God is like that, isn't He? To be on that beach, the secret desire of your heart...that's amazing. Well, last time I think I told you we were listening to The Hobbit. This time I have begun reading The Chronicles of Narnia to Ethan! We're going against the grain and reading The Magician's Nephew first. I can't believe I've never read them.
I've always wanted to visit New Zealand. It's such a beautiful country.
Congratulations on your two year blog anniversary!!!
His lovingkindness IS better than life! Happy almost blog birthday, Jodi!
i remember this post! it was one of the first posts i read when i (happily) discovered your blog. looking forward to curious acorn's second birthday bash :)
I'm in process of responding to your lovely e-mail - sick today and the fam's away for a kentucky reunion, so i'm not accomplishing very much...
Hi Mrs. Jodi,
I Absolutely love the NZ pics. It is so cool thtat you all went where part of Narnia was filmed. The beach looks so great. I am definately going there someday. It was so great to see you Mr. Lenz and Bron at my party. Thanks so much for coming. See you!
Mary Drennen
Really? You're two?
I have no idea when my birthday is, but I feel compelled to make one up, to be more like you. :)
My sister was reading aloud to tobin yesterday, LOTR. I thought you'd appreciate that.
rats. I missed the nancy/amy party.
So glad to see this post again!
Well, this is the first time to see the post for me--so glad you shared it again. What a dream to visit Cathedral Cove. Looks like it is aptly named. Also, happy almost 2--sounds like more Jodi fun on the way for the anniversary:)
p.s. every now and then a comment gets hidden in spam. . . and I forget to check the folder. Happened with Smooth Stones one time too:( Now you're read and appreciated!
This is beautiful -- the sentiment and the photos!
I love how God gave you the desires of your heart...
We're big Narnia fans here too (well my husband and I are -- the kids *will be* in the future!)...
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