Have you ever made a crayon rubbing? You know, where you take some paper and a crayon, and create an image of the object you want to transfer onto a piece of paper. I have, lots of times. On Sunday, our pastor used this very illustration to explain a bible passage.

"For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an
example, that you should follow in His steps" I Peter 2:21
The Greek word for 'example' here is 'hupogrammos'. It means to copy, to overwrite--bless me--I could see it!

It was my prayer that morning - every morning: I want to be like You. Show me. God answered. I asked for water, and He gave me wine.
Hupogrammos, our pastor said. A pattern to trace on living stone. And I - we - the paper. Can you imagine it?
Allowing the Holy Spirit to inscribe us with His color, to overwrite, copy. And we yielding.

Peter goes on to say this of Christ: He did not sin. He never deceived. He did not retaliate when insulted. He did not threaten to get even, but left his case in the hands of God.
And it can be done, it can. Peter tell us so. He knew from experience. I'm learning from experience. Jesus, the perfect original, oversees our makings, and calls us
His masterpiece.
I'm undone. Yes, let that imprint continue to be born in me, saturating every fiber. I'll wear your colors.
Joining Emily today
Very cool thoughts/prose. I love your many examples of crayon rubbings; they really bring the comparison to life.
oooh... I like this. What a great illustration of how we are to be molded into the image of Christ. Thanks for sharing...
I love the art and your approachto art. Also the comment about your son's piano recital is perfect; what a moment.
Thank you J.
nice...i enjoy doing stuff like this...also makes fora very cool illustration as well...nice reflection this morning...
it can be done when we yield. I love this. really truly I do love this.
Such a beautiful illustration, in word and image. Sometimes it hurts while the Artist is rubbing His image onto this stubborn stone... I look forward to the day when His work is completed.
I love it! It's such a true, glorious analogy. It was such a blessing to read this post this morning, Jodi. Thank you. <3
"Jesus the perfect orginal"--beautiful!
i love this. love it. such an awesome analogy. and you, and your art, alongside, making it just. perfect. wow. pondering this one long.
i'll wear his colors too, dear Jodi. i love this analogy. it really speaks to my artist-heart. thank you so much for linking--i've missed you. xo
I love when you meditate on Scripture in color and it moves you to do art. You bear His creative imprint well, my friend!
Very thought-provoking, the connection between crayon rubbings and being like Christ. Nice.
Beautiful. What depth there is to the Word! Thank you for sharing this. I can't wait to teach this to my kids and make a rubbing. Color, inscribing, copy . . so rich in analogy!
love it! love HIM! today, i was thinking about some snarky remark from a God-hater: "why should humans get Hell for little, finite sins? and why, if it's really that bad, would God think He could pay for all of it through one little death on a cross?" but He did so much more: He lived with us, and He didn't leave us alone. He abides with us still. AWESOME.
This is you. Love the colors, the words and the analogy.
oh how i loved this post...thank you, friend!
I love this reflection - I am going to use it in our Coop art class on Monday (tomorrow!). And it ministered to me as well, as I was asking the Lord something personal this weekend...
Blessings blog friend!
What a beautiful illustrations of hupogrammos--and thank you for that word, too! I'm going to share this with Artist Son.
I love Peter...you know if he, with his brashness and false bravado and misguided loyalties, could learn humility and loyalty and to suffer patiently and be formed more and more into the image of Christ, there is hope for all of us!
Thanks, friends, for your input. I was encouraged, and it blessed me to know you were too.
This is so beautiful. And yes, I've done this. I had a whim once and went through the whole flat and traced all sorts of surfaces to see the textures they produced. So it's so nice to have a real life meaning given to a word in a Bible verse!
You always give me a glimpse into His creativity. Thank you :)
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