...well, almost. My blog birthday is technically not until tomorrow. But being only two, my self-control is still developing, and I WANT TO PLAY NOW!!! In true hobbit fashion, it is my pleasure to give you a present on my birthday. And I hope the lucky recipient enjoys these little tokens pictured below.
I wanted these things to represent the spirit of Curious Acorn, and what you'll find when you visit here, and to thank you for the back-and-forths, humor, tears, prayers, and genuine friendships that have sprouted and grown during the last two years.
The little tile shown below comes from one of my favorite haunts - the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Its founder, Henry Mercer, realized that with the advance of the Industrial Revolution, the old ways of making things were being lost. He made it his mission to see that these skills and processes were not forgotten. I like that.
Along with the tile and stand, there is also a small Wyeth painting magnet, a carved squirrel, a vintage tea tin, and a silver acorn.

All you need to do is to leave a comment on this post (lurkers, this includes you, so if you've never commented before, don't be shy now). Deadline is Friday July 22rd at 11:59PM EST. Next week I will pick one name out of a hat, and then this little package will wing its way to you, wherever you are in the world!